I wanted to post an example of what we ate today for the first day of our detox. Breakfast started with some leftover pastured pork and blanched greens heated up and put inside an egg. I put some tomatillo sauce on the side with mine :). We took some hot tea to go.
For our packed lunches I made a chicken salad with some chopped chicken from the freezer mixed with some mayonnaise and cilantro parsley sauce that I made during my food prep day last week. I served it in a piece of lettuce.
I also packed salads in a jar to go with the chicken salad. I put the dressing on the bottom (I mixed some hummus, olive oil and red wine vinegar), then I put in chopped carrots, cucumber, lettuce and sunflower seeds.
I dumped the salad from the jar into my chicken salad tupperware to get everything mixed up. We also had a banana in our lunches for a snack.
For dinner I reheated 3 of the smaller pre-made baked potatoes and we each had one and half topped with butter from pasture raised cows (it is my one exception to dairy), with steamed broccoli, and some pulled pork reheated with some tomato sauce and spices and served with tomatillo salsa.
Chris was still really hungry after dinner so I made him a snack of peanut butter, coconut oil and some coconut flour to thicken it.
So, that was our first day :).
If you are joining us, how did your first day go?